EASE Council nominations for 2018-2021

Reminder for recommendations for new EASE Council members – Deadline for nominations is 10th March, 2018

Council elections are held every three years. The last elections for EASE Council were held in 2015, and new elections will therefore be held in 2018.

At the next EASE Annual General Meeting (in Bucharest, 8th June 2018), it will be time to elect a new Council to serve EASE for the next 3 years.

Council consists of a President, the immediate Past President, two Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer and 5 ordinary members, plus the Editor of the association’s in-house journal (European Science Editing). The Council may co-opt to three additional members (14 members in total, excluding Secretary).

The currently elected Nominations Committee (members: Ana Marušić, Joan Marsh, Pippa Smart) have accepted the following invitations to stand:

President 2018-2021:
Pippa Smart

Vice Presidents 2018-2021:
Duncan Nicholas and Ines Steffens

Rod Hunt

Past President (by default):
Ana Marušić

Ksenija Baždarić (ex officio)

Ordinary Members of Council – list of nominees:

 Current Council Moira Hudson UK
Sylwia Ufnalska Poland
Rachael Lammey UK
New nominees Stephan Mertens Germany
Jadranka Stojanovski Croatia
Cem Uzun Turkey
Flaminio Squazzoni Italy
Bahar Mehmani Netherlands

Please see the short biographies submitted by the five new candidates, as well as short biographies of the nominees for President and Vice Presidents.

Members may nominate additional candidates via e-mail up to 10 March 2018 – 90 days before the AGM which will take place in Bucharest, 8th of June, 2018.

Do you know someone who would be great on Council?

The Nominations Committee invites members to submit suggestions for nominations. Individuals must be nominated by another member (please ask your nominee beforehand and confirm that they agree to be nominated).

The term of office will be from June 2018 until the AGM in 2021.

Council meets in-person once a year, before the AGM, either at an EASE conference or a similar event. Other meetings are held by teleconference. Council members are reimbursed their expenses for travel and accommodation for the face-to-face meeting but positions are honorary and there is no salary or fee.

We are especially looking for people with a passion for one or more of the following areas:

  • Training & skills development
  • Outreach to regional chapters
  • Research and participation in collaborative initiatives
  • Advocacy & liaison with external bodies (e.g. ISMTE)
  • Developing guidelines and other publications
  • Networking & social media

To nominate someone:

  1. Each person must be nominated by two members.
  2. The nomination must be sent to the secretary by 10th March.
  3. Each nomination must comprise:
    1. Name, affiliation and contact details of the two nominating members
    2. A signed letter (sent as PDF or similar) from the nominee agreeing to the nomination, stating their areas of interest and what benefits they can bring to EASE Council
    3. The cv of the nominee

Each nomination will be acknowledged by the secretary. Ballot papers will then be circulated to members, who will vote via e-mail.

– Thursday, 25th January, 2018 –