EASE Training

To reflect and support the breadth of roles among our members, EASE offers a variety of training, workshops and webinars on an extensive range of topics, with expert speakers and experienced trainers addressing current key issues, hot topics and perennial favourites.

Webinar series

Monthly webinars organised in two series, Spring and Autumn

We organise two series of webinars each year. These hour long sessions are given by experts in particular topics, with a presentation and plenty of time for Q&A and discussion with participants; ideal for CPD (continuous professional development). These events are free to members and available to non-members for £25. Why not use the opportunity to meet up with your colleagues and watch together.

Visit the events calendar for details of forthcoming sessions.

Past sessions can be viewed by members in our Resource Library which hosts a wealth of knowledge on a wide range of topics.



EASE School for Manuscript Editors and Academic Authors

Next course: September 2024

This four-session online training course was designed by Yateendra Joshi, freelance copy-editor and trainer, EASE Council member 2023-25, and chair of the EASE Training Committee, to help researchers, academics, technical writers and copy editors who edit technical documents to make them more acceptable to journal editors and publishers, and less likely to be desk-rejected.

The course is held over four weeks, with two topics covered each week including technical skills such as handling quantitative expressions in text, organising numerical data tables, charts, illustrations, citations and references, as well as learning to be a more effective academic writer.

Visit the course webpage for full details and registration

Editorial School for Journal Editors

Parts I and II

This eight-module online training course has been designed in two parts with the aim of helping editors make their journals more visible, impactful, and full of engaging material.

The modules support editors in these key topics:

  • improve the quality of editorial processes;
  • manage ethical issues effectively;
  • enhance the efficiency of peer review processes;
  • support more successful promotional activities;
  • comply with international standards, and
  • increase the chances of successful indexing applications.

Each module covers a different topic to help editors develop their journals, engage their editorial boards and subject area communities, and work with their publishers and industry organisations.

Visit the course webpage for full details and register your interest


Understanding and reporting statistics in medicine

Modules 1-4

This series of four online training modules will introduce participants to the most common statistical procedures used in clinical research. Intended for medical writers and editors with little to no background in statistics (and perhaps a great fear of the topic), the modules cover only basic statistical terms, concepts, reasoning, and reporting characteristics of the more common procedures.

Module 1: Variables, descriptive statistics, estimates, and confidence intervals
Module 2: Hypothesis testing (P values and statistical power)
Module 3: Association (including measures of risk), correlation, and regression analyses
Module 4: Performance characteristics of diagnostic tests.

EASE aims to run this course in Autumn 2024.

The training will be led by Tom Lang, independent consultant and trainer in medical writing and scientific communications.

Visit the course webpage for full details

Collaborative events

EASE welcomes the opportunity to collaborate with our sister societies and other associations and institutions to organise joint meetings and training events. We are able to draw on the experience of our membership to provide suitable speakers and trainers.

Examples of such events include:

  • Webinar for Peer Review Week 2022 with UKRIO ‘How can peer review support research integrity?’ September 2022. View recording.
  • Discussion Forum with the European Council (October 2019) addressing the impact and implementation of GDPR compliance on peer review and the publishing industry.
  • The 3rd International Symposium of Scientific Journals of Trakya University, Edirne, Turkey, in collaboration with EASE. 4-5 December 2019. A summary of the event can be found here