EASE School for Manuscript Editors and Academic Authors

This four-session online training course has been designed to help researchers, academics, technical writers and copy editors who edit technical documents to make them more acceptable to journal editors and publishers, less likely to be desk-rejected, and more impactful once published.

This course is particularly suitable for early-career researchers and manuscript editors but will benefit all those involved in writing and editing scientific documents irrespective of the level of experience and expertise.

The 12-hour course is held once a week spread over four weeks, with two topics covered each week over 3 hours:

  1. Publishing in high-impact-factor journals: an overview
  2. Handling quantitative expressions in running text
  3. Organising numerical data into reader-friendly tables
  4. Preparing impactful charts, graphs and other illustrations
  5. Mastering the minutiae of citations and references
  6. Learning to be a more effective academic writer
  7. Responding to reviewers’ comments and avoiding plagiarism
  8. Putting finishing touches to your written work.

If you are unable to make these dates and would like to be notified of dates of future editions of this course, please register your interest via the link below.


The training will be led by Yateendra Joshi, freelance copy-editor and trainer, EASE Council member, and chair of the EASE Training Committee.

Yateendra Joshi has been editing technical documents for more than 30 years, a career change he made after working for a decade as a scientist with the Indian Council of Agricultural Research (1978–88). He was with TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute) in New Delhi for 15 years, moved to Pune to work with WISE (World Institute of Sustainable Energy) in 2005, and has been freelancing since 2007, dividing his time between freelance copy-editing and teaching.