B – The strike rate index: a new index for journal quality

Barendse W. The strike rate index: a new index for journal quality based on journal size and the h-index of citations. Biomedical Digital Libraries 2007, 4:3



Measuring quality in science is a difficult and controversial process. A uniform method that can be applied across all fields should be desirable. The quantification is generally summed up with the impact factor of the journal in which the work is published, which shows differences between fields. Here the h-index, a way to summarize an individual’s highly cited work, was calculated for journals over a twenty year time span and compared to the size of the journal in four fields, Agriculture, Condensed Matter Physics, Genetics and Heredity and Mathematical Physics. The relationship between the h-index and the size of the journal is analysed: the larger the journal, the more likely it is to have a high h-index. A strike rate index (SRI) based on the log relationship of the h-index and the size of the journal shows a similar distribution in the four fields, with similar thresholds for quality, allowing journals across diverse fields to be compared to each other.