B – Journal Usage factors

Peter T Shepherd PT. Final Report on the Investigation into the Feasibility of Developing and Implementing Journal Usage Factors. Sponsored by the United Kingdom Serials Group, May 2007

This report shows the growing interest in the development of usage-based alternatives to citation-based measures of journal performance (Impact factor). The objective of the study was to determine whether the Usage Factor (UF) concept is a meaningful one, whether it will be practical to implement and whether it will provide additional insights into the value and quality of online journals. The study was divided into two Phases. In Phase 1 in-depth interviews were held with 29 prominent opinion makers from the STM author/editor, librarian and journal publisher communities, not only to explore their reaction to the Usage Factor in principle, but also to discuss how it might be implemented and used. Phase 2 consisted of a web-based survey of a larger cross-section of the author and librarian communities. The Counter (Counting Online Usage of Networked Electronic Resources) metrics was applied to this study
