B – Science 2.0: Great New Tool, or Great Risk?

Waldrop MM. Science 2.0: Great New Tool, or Great Risk? Scientific
American 9 January 2008.

The article describes how researchers are beginning to harness wikis, blogs and other Web 2.0 technologies as a potentially transformative way of doing science. The author invites also readers to comment on the draft article, promising that the input given will influence the article’s content in its final form. Starting from common questions on Web 2.0 tools, the article analyses the promise and peril of Science 2.0, which the author considers as being one aspect of a broader Open Science movement, which also includes Open-Access scientific publishing and Open Data practices. A small but growing number of researchers have begun to carry out their work via these new tools, while many scientists still remain highly skeptical of such openness.Science 2.0 advocates, however, consider this movement as a new opportunity of collaboration between scientist.
