B – The Nautilus: where – and how – OA will actually work

Esposito JJ. The Nautilus: where – and how – OA will actually work. The Scientist 2007; 21(11):52.

This article discusses the new phase of the debate over open access to the scientific literature, listing all pros and cons of OA within the landscape of scientific publishers. It presents scholarly communications as a Nautilus’ spiral, with the inner spiral representing the researcher’s intimate colleagues, next spirals scientists in general, highly educated individuals, universities, policy-makers, on to the outer spirals, that represent the consumer media, whose task is to inform the general public. It concludes identifying a fundamental tension in scholarly communications today, between the innermost spiral of the nautilus, where peers communicate directly with peers, and the outer spirals. In this landscape OA advocates sit at the center and attempt to take their model beyond the peers and at the outer spirals, traditional publishers attempts to extend their reach into the inner spirals.
