N – Libraries make come back

Almost 60% of respondents said that they used library technology to help navigate to scholarly content 95% of the time, in a three year study. But publishers have responded less well to changes in users’ behaviour: readers are more likely than ever to visit a journal’s website at the article or abstract level. The white paper How Readers Navigate to Scholarly Content compared changes in users’ behaviour between 2005 and 2008 and the impact on the design and function of publishers’ websites (www.sic.ox14.com/howreadersnavigatetoscholarlycontent.pdf). A coauthor Tracy Gardner said, “Publishers need to place anything they want the user to see at the article level.”
(www.iwr.co.uk/information-world-review/news/2227725/college-libraries-win-back-4257646, 8 Oct 2008, “College libraries win back search primacy”)