N – Outcome reporting bias exposed

Only 11 of 73 funders of randomised controlled trials contacted mentioned the importance of publication of negative as well as positive outcomes, a study in Trials has found (2008;9:66, doi:10.1186/1745-6215-9-66). The funders often mentioned trial registration, protocol adherence, trial publication, and monitoring. The report highlights the need for more detailed guidance from funders to prevent outcome reporting bias. Publication bias, where statistically significant results are more likely to be published than those that are statistically insignificant, is well recognised. However, outcome reporting bias, where only a subset of the original variables are reported according to the nature of the results, is less well documented.
(www.knowledgespeak.com/newsArchieveview.asp?intMonth=11&intYear=2008, 28 Nov 2008 “More guidance needed to check outcome reporting bias, says report”)