B – Business in medical writing: a monographic issue

Business. The Write Stuff. The Journal for European Medical Writers Association 2010; 19 (2): 78-163

A monographic issue of The Write Stuff (TWS), journal of the European Medical Writers Association (EMWA) dedicated to the business theme in the field of medical writing, interesting for both editors and publishers. Two articles tackle an important question for the future of medical writing: whether medical writing activities add value that can be seen as a tangible investment, also in term of Return on Investment (ROI) (p. 96-100). The issue also contains a small collection of “acquiring-knowledge-to-help-you-in-business” articles: one of them overviews the broader and key aspects of publications management within organisations that produce a large number of publications, and compares two electronic tracking programmes for managing publications with a view to keep compliant with Good Publication Practice guidelines (GPP2) (p. 105-9). An article, the first of a new series, gives some guidance on word order in written English, of invaluable help to the non-native speakers of English; word order is rarely written about and is generally poorly understood, even by the natives (p. 124-7). An article reports a controversial case of plagiarism (p. 122-3) and another one reports discussion on copyright at EMWA ‘s 29th Conference (November 2009, Frankfurt) (p. 150-1). The theme of another interesting article is the topic based writing – a new approach of thinking, in which information is structured in a modular way instead of a linear way being each document broken down into small bits of information which are called topics (p. 152).

Electronic version available for EMWA members only.