Most popular ESE articles in July

Visitors to the EASE website over the last few months may have noticed the new panel highlighting our journal European Science Editing. The panel features details of the current issue and the month’s most-read papers, as a way to draw more attention to recent articles and those most popular with our readers.

The panel has now been updated with July’s top three most read papers, and for you here, are the top five hottest articles in ESE in July.

Where can early career researchers learn how to peer review a scientific paper?
Mariana Pinto da Costa, José Oliveira, Jibril Abdulmalik
Issue: 44(1) February 2018. Original Article

Background: The ability to peer review a scientific paper is an important skill for researchers, but many early career researchers do not obtain relevant training. In this article, we aimed to identify and describe the different resources available for researchers to learn how to peer review.

Methods: We conducted a web-based search, looking for resources that teach how to peer review. In addition, we contacted authors who published with the terms “peer review” or “early career researchers”, enquiring about the resources they were acquainted with. We used a SWOT framework to analyse the resources with a direct focus on practical teaching of peer review and widespread availability.
Results: We found seven formats of resources available: practical structured peer review training courses; online guidelines; online webinars/videos; journal clubs of post-publication reviews; critical appraisal meetings of pre-publication reviews; editorial board experiences and support from supervisors/mentors. The authors contacted described the main purpose of each resource and how directly they focused on the purpose of teaching competencies to peer review. These resources also vary in their format: either online or face-to-face, independently or in a group. Only one resource was directly focused on practically teaching how to peer review and was readily available online at no cost.
Conclusions: The utilization of these resources may be the answer to the expressed needs of the academic community to see support for peer review in place, guiding early career researchers on how to peer review and addressing the current difficulties that editors face in finding reviewers.

3D or 3-D: a study of terminology, usage and style
Andrew J. Woods
Issue: 39(3) August 2013. Original Article

The terms “3D” and “3-D” are two alternative acronyms for the term “three-dimensional”. In the published literature both variants are commonly used but what is the derivation of the two forms and what are the drivers of usage? This paper surveys the published stereoscopic literature and examines publication-style policies to understand forces and trends

The Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI) as a new trend in scientific editing and publishing in Russia
Sergey V Gorin, Anna M Koroleva, Nadezda A Ovcharenko
Issue: 42(3) August 2016. Original Article

Aim: The aim of the study was to provide an overview of the principle issues for the RSCI and assess the characteristics of the journals included.
Methods: We used statistical information freely available through the Scientific Electronic Library (Russia), and also WoS and SCOPUS. Authors analysed 9560 Russian scientific journals currently issued. The best Russian journals were found to be those in physics, astronomy and chemistry.
Results: The study shows the distribution of RSCI journals within academic spheres and among major publishers, noting the low percentage of journals available as both printed and online versions.
Conclusions: The RSCI project is improving scientific editing and publishing in Russia, and the better Russian journals have been grouped in a separate database. It remains unclear whether journals produced by RSCI will be able to enter SCOPUS or WoS. It is also uncertain whether the project will lead to greater numbers of Russian journals indexed in SCOPUS or WoS, or if it will improve scientific editing and publishing in Russia

The role of social media in the research cycle
Duncan Nicholas
Issue: 41(4) November 2015. Essays
Different types of social media are being adopted by an increasing number of members within the scientific community, with researchers, publishers, and readers playing important roles in the scientific communication process. Recently, the ability to harness the online presence of articles has given rise to alternative web-based metrics as an indicator of social impact and a measure of community presence to supplement conventional bibliometric methods. This paper summarises the current uses of social media in science, and includes specially conducted interviews with Jon Tennant, a power user of social media and Euan Adie, founder of Altmetric.

Advances in standards and training for journal editors and peer reviewers
Duncan Nicholas
Issue: 44(2) May 2018. Editorial
No abstract