METM19 call for conference proposals

The deadline for proposals for sessions for the Mediterranean Editors and Translators METM19 conference is next week – 28th February, 2019!

The theme for the event is inspired in part by MiRoR, the organising partner of the Conference at the University of Split. The group’s work aims to reduce waste and increase value in research. Likewise, as translators and editors, MET seek to enhance their clients’ work by helping them convey their message clearly and efficiently. And so, in Split, the conference calls on participants to discuss how they help clients get their message across.

MET welcome proposals that relate to this year’s theme or to one of the following areas:

  • Language and applied linguistics
  • Editing, translating and interpreting
  • Business development and networking
  • Tools, productivity and health
  • Reporting guidelines, reducing waste, increasing research value (MiRoR thread)

 Visit the MET website for full details and the abstract submission form.