PEERE International Conference on Peer Review 2020

The second edition of the PEERE International Conference on Peer Review will be held in Valencia, 11-13 March 2020. This follows the very successful first event, held in Rome, March 2018.

The conference aims to provide a forum for scholars, practitioners and science stakeholders to share research, models, tools and experience on peer review in different fields, e.g., medicine, computer science, social sciences and humanities. It aims to stimulate the use of evidence-based research in the design and implementation of peer review in a variety of fields and encourage more systematic research.

The conference welcomes any contribution (e.g., original research, position papers, literature reviews) that uses any method (e.g., quantitative, experimental or qualitative) to investigate peer review in a variety of scientific domains (e.g., scholarly journals, funding agencies, research assessment). Interdisciplinary research is especially welcome.

The topics of interest to the conference include, but are not limited to:

  • Quantitative and qualitative analysis of peer review in scholarly journals, funding agencies and research assessment
  • Estimating editorial and reviewer bias
  • The impact of different peer review models (single vs. double blind, confidential vs. open etc.) on reviewer attitudes and editorial decisions
  • Incentives, motivation and recognition in peer review
  • Social network analysis of peer review and editorial policy
  • Models and theories of peer review: principles, functions and management
  • Computer simulation studies of peer review dynamics and outcomes
  • Applications of bibliometrics, altmetrics and scientometrics to peer review
  • Perspectives from policy makers, grant funding agencies, libraries and publishers

The submission deadline for abstracts is 15 November 2019 and the deadline for acceptance notification is 10 January 2020.
The conference will consider two types of submissions: full papers, 10 to 12 pages, single column, max 8000 words or extended abstracts, 3 to 4 pages, single column.

Submissions should include title, author(s), including affiliations and corresponding author address, abstracts (in case of full papers), keywords, text (including tables and figures) and references.

Submissions will be judged on their originality, significance, clarity, relevance, and technical correctness. Each submission will be peer -reviewed by at least two programme committee members. External reviewers will be used in case of lack of expertise of the programme committee members.

Abstracts may be submitted through the conference Easychair platform here.