EASE 2020 conference 12-14 June 2020 – POSTPONED



In response to the fast moving coronavirus pandemic we have taken the decision to postpone the 2020 EASE conference until 2021. We hope that by delaying for a full year, and making an early decision, we can provide some clarity in what is a difficult situation for everyone.

Our intention is to retain the same theme and broadly the same programme for the 2021 event and to hold it in Spain in June. We are currently negotiating with our venue and suppliers, and we ask for your patience while we complete this work.

However, all is not lost. We are now considering ways in which we might deliver a virtual event, or series of events, during 2020. Whilst we appreciate that a major motivation for attending the EASE conference is to network with like-minded professionals, the coronavirus situation and the climate emergency brings the need to review long standing norms and embrace what the virtual world has to offer. We firmly believe that there is space for both in person and virtual formats and so this year we will trial a virtual event and hope very much that you will support it.

We are in the early stages of researching and planning, and we will let you know more details as they emerge. If you have any expertise in this field, or wish to support the programme committee in this effort, please contact Pippa Smart; [email protected]

Thank you so much for your support of EASE and we hope you have not been too inconvenienced by this precautionary change of plan.

Many thanks

Mary Hodgson
EASE Secretary