Peer Review Week – Call for video contributions

Peer Review Week 2022 is approaching, and once again, EASE will be involved in events throughout the week; 19-23 September.

Our Peer Review Committee are collaborating with UKRIO to host a webinar on Wednesday, 21 September. Details of the session and registration information can be found in our Events calendar.

Before then, we would like to put out our regular call for your video contributions.

In the previous three years of Peer Review Week EASE President Duncan Nicholas has curated the videos featured on the PRW YouTube Channel, contributed by individuals and organisations across the research publishing community, including journal editors, researchers, authors, publishers, technology providers, and of course reviewers, on each of the themes of those events; Identity, Trust, and Quality.

On behalf of Duncan and the Peer Review Week Committee, we would like to share this call to ask our members and the wider community for video submissions on this years’ theme of RESEARCH INTEGRITY in Peer Review.

This is a great opportunity to tell the community about the work you have been doing, share your own insights, and through the expanding playlists in the YouTube channel, contribute to the permanent PRW library of useful knowledge and expertise on the theme of each year.

See the detailed video submission guide for ideas on approaching the theme, some best practice tips on recording videos and the important technical details on how to submit.

You may approach this subject however it is relevant to you, your work, your interests, your goals, or you as an individual operating in the peer review system, however that may be. Any and all insights that can inform and inspire the research publishing community will be welcome.

Please submit your files before events start, by the 15 September to ensure timely inclusion in the events week.

Send any questions about the video process to Duncan, or check the PRW website for general information about the week, hosting your own events and other activities.