This eight-module online training course is designed in two parts. The content was developed on behalf of EASE by Pippa Smart, PSP Consulting, with the aim of helping editors make their journals more visible, impactful, and full of engaging material. Part I of the course is delivered in the Spring of each year with Part II following in the Autumn.

The format is one module each week for four consecutive weeks, and includes a lecture delivered by an experienced trainer, breakout sessions in which delegates discuss two case studies in smaller groups, followed by a session when the moderators of the breakout groups feedback their discussion form each of the breakout groups.

The course is particularly suitable for those in the early stages of their careers as a journal editor, but will benefit members of all experiences, involved in managing or planning journals.

The modules support editors in these key topics:

  • improve the quality of editorial processes;
  • manage ethical issues effectively;
  • enhance the efficiency of peer review processes;
  • support more successful promotional activities;
  • comply with international standards, and
  • increase the chances of successful indexing applications.

The eight modules cover detailed content to help editors develop their journals, engage their editorial boards and subject area communities, and work with their publishers and industry organisations. Our Regional Chapters can help with local language support and moderation from their leadership teams to ensure the greatest accessibility and effectiveness of the training.

Part I

Module 1: Journal structure and management
Module 2: Publishing ethics for editors
Module 3: Peer review
Module 4: Promotion and indexing

Part II

Module 5: Publishing ethics: open science and journal policies
Module 6: Publishing quality: dealing with authors
Module 7: Editors: making good decisions
Module 8: Publishing impact: developing a journal

Part II may be taken without attending Part I first, but is an ideal progression.

The course is open to all, with discounts for EASE members and those in low-income countries.


About the author of this course – Pippa Smart

PSP Consulting, UK

Pippa Smart is a publishing consultant, working under the name of PSP Consulting. She specialises in editorial strategies and journal development, as well as copyright advice. She particularly works with editorial associations and non-profit publishers around the world providing training, advice, contract creation and negotiation.

Pippa is Past-President of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE), past Director of the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME), and has recently retired as the Editor in Chief of the ALPSP journal, Learned Publishing.

We are indebted to Pippa who developed this course specifically for EASE.


These testimonials are from those who took part in the latest Part I course in November 2022.

“I really enjoyed the EASE Editorial School. It was well organised, and the materials presented by Pippa Smart and accompanying notes were very relevant to anyone with an editorial role. An aspect I found particularly useful was the opportunity to discuss scenarios based on course material with colleagues from around the world, hearing different perspectives and approaches”
Daniel Pang, University of Calgary, Canada

At the beginning of autumn, we were all very excited about the upcoming Editors School organized by EASE. However, the Russian attacks on the Ukrainian power grid made some ‘adjustments’ to our plans.

After the first attack and some repairs to the grid, we started to have ‘scheduled outages’ but only in name, as they rarely worked. As much as I wanted, I wasn’t able to attend all four modules of the course, but luckily, everything was recorded so I was able to catch up. It’s a shame that in Ukraine, we were in these terrible conditions, and as I know, the attendance of Ukrainian members was not as high as expected. And it is no surprise, as we had power sometimes for only two-three hours a day. 

Despite these difficulties, thanks to the two-session organization of the event and available recordings, we were able to learn a lot about editing work. We are very grateful for EASE for this opportunity and support of Ukraine in this difficult time.
Yuliia Bakalzhenko, National Technical University of Ukraine ‘Igor Sikorskyi Kyiv Polytechnic Institute’, Ukraine