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EASE course: Editorial School for Journal Editors

Module 6 – Publishing impact: developing a journal

Wednesday, 9 October 2024, 2pm (UK time)

Part II of our popular Editorial School for Journal Editors is running again in the Autumn of 2024. Duncan Nicholas, EASE Past-President, will deliver the second of the four modules.

The format is a lecture, followed by a moderated breakout session in which small groups consider two case studies, and then a final session to feedback the discussions from the breakout groups and answer further questions from delegates.

Each module will be recorded and made available to participants together with handbooks for easy reference.

Module 6 content

Journals have a tendency to become static and frequently fail to develop in response to changing researcher and publishing needs. Editors are frequently too busy to consider changes to workflows, aims and scope or other publishing and editorial issues unless specific problems arise. However the journal environment changes constantly, and it is important for both new and established journals to consider how and why they should implement changes, and to have ongoing development strategies to ensure they remain attractive to their research community.

This workshop will look at how editors can easily build development strategies that are realistic and practical to their own busy schedules.

Learning objectives

  1. Evaluating your journal – Before any development strategy can be considered it is vital that journals understand their strengths and weaknesses. Delegates will be provided with tools and tips on how to evaluate the health of their journal and to identify areas in need of development or change
  2. Planning for development – Plans need to be realistic and achievable. Delegates will be provided with tools for establishing development priorities and ways to build realistic plans for change
  3. Achieving indexation – For many editors, achieving indexation in reputable indexes is a primary goal. However this is not easy, and good planning is required if applications for indexing are to be successful. Delegates will learn the basic steps they need to take in order to improve their chances of becoming indexed.


Duncan Nicholas

Development Editor, Reproductive BioMedicine OnlineUnited Kingdom

Duncan is Past-President of EASE, Director of DN Journal Publishing Services, and Development Editor for Reproductive Biomedicine Online journal.  Duncan provides independent editorial consultancy and publishing skills training to publishers, researchers and the wider scholarly community.

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