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EASE School for Manuscript Editors and Academic Authors – Week 3

Wednesday, 18 September 2024, 10am – 1pm (UK time)

This four-session online training course has been designed to help researchers, academics, technical writers, and copy editors who edit technical documents – especially research papers – to make them more acceptable to journal editors and publishers, less likely to be desk-rejected, and once accepted, be published ahead of other manuscripts. The 12-hour course is held once a week spread over four weeks, with two topics covered each week over 3 hours:

Week 3

  • Mastering the minutiae of citations and references
  • Learning to be a more effective academic writer

The training will be led by EASE Council member Yateendra Joshi, and two guest speakers. This course is particularly suitable for early-career researchers and manuscript editors but can benefit all those involved in writing and editing scientific documents irrespective of the level of experience and expertise.


Yateendra Joshi

Freelance copy editor and trainerIndia

After working as a scientist for a decade, Yateendra Joshi became a professional editor and has been one for more than 30 years. He worked with The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI), New Delhi, for 15 years; with the World Institute of Sustainable Energy for 10; and now divides his time between freelance copy-editing and teaching. He is an accredited editor with Diplomate status certified by the Board of Editors in Life Sciences, USA. Currently, only 30 editors worldwide are thus qualified. He also holds the Certificate of Advanced English awarded by Cambridge English Language Assessment, Cambridge University and was elected for the second term (2021–23) to the council of EASE, the European Association of Science Editors.

Yateen’s book, Communicating in Style, was endorsed by the late John le Carré in the following words: “A gem. Courteous, unfrightening and essential. A pocket companion to Fowler’s A Dictionary of Modern English Usage.”

Yateen is a member of the board of experts, National Association of Independent Writers & Editors, USA and a member of the editorial board of Information Design Journal. For more than 15 years, Yateen has also been conducting semester-long courses and shorter training programmes for academics and researchers on writing, publishing, and presenting.

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