ISMTE for PRW2021 – Early Career Meet Up

ISMTE’s Early Career Committee, in partnership with Peer Review Week, invite you to join our Early Career Meet Up to network and discuss this year’s theme: Identity. How do you identify yourself? How does that identity play into your role in scientific publishing? In your professional career? How can we as early career professionals bring […]

Good Peer Review – Turkish Regional Chapter event for PRW2021

The Turkish Regional Chapter of EASE will hold a webinar in Turkish on all aspects of the topic of Good Peer Review. There will be 11 speakers moderated by EASE Vice President and Chair of the Turkish Chapter, Cem Uzun.   Editor perspective (in general) - Dr Taner Kemal Erdag Editor perspective (social sciences) - […]

Association of Earth Science Editors 54th Annual Meeting

The 54th annual meeting of the AESE, “Effectively Communicating Geoscience in the Public Sphere,” will take place, in-person, in Columbus, Ohio, on September 29–October 3, 2021. The meeting offers two […]

Member webinar: Preprints and publishing

Member webinar: Preprints and publishing 2020 and 2021 were a watershed period for publishing when the use of preprints (i.e. articles posted before formal review) became a normalised activity for […]

EASE Council

EASE Council Meeting

2022 European Meeting of ISMPP

Advancing Our Profession: Driving Leadership and Best Practices in Medical Communications   For further info please visit