EASE member exclusive – Open access journals webinar

Delia Mihaila, CEO of MDPI will share her knowledge and experience on the topic of open access journals in this, the third webinar of the Autumn series for 2021. More details to follow.   Registration (open to EASE members only) https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89615223635?pwd=Y0M4c1JKeFZaRFN3ZWh5cy9ZRk9aZz09  

Member webinar: Preprints and publishing

Member webinar: Preprints and publishing 2020 and 2021 were a watershed period for publishing when the use of preprints (i.e. articles posted before formal review) became a normalised activity for many researchers. Although used extensively in several communities for many years (e.g. on the ArXiv.org site) it is their use in the biomedical sciences which […]

EASE Council

EASE Council Meeting

2022 European Meeting of ISMPP

Advancing Our Profession: Driving Leadership and Best Practices in Medical Communications   For further info please visit https://www.ismpp.org/european-meeting

Researcher to Reader Conference

The Researcher to Reader Conference, is a collaborative gathering which aims to be the premier forum for discussion of the international scholarly communications ecosystem – bringing knowledge from the Researcher to the Reader.  The […]