Bahar Mehmani

Reviewer Experience Lead


Dr. Bahar Mehmani is the Peer Review Innovation Lead at Elsevier. She leads Elsevier journals’ peer review strategy and the Validation and Value innovation track. Bahar is also the chair of Peer Review Workbench which allows performing research on Elsevier journals’ peer review metadata and an advisory member of Peer Review Congress. Projects and initiatives she led in the past include Elsevier’s reviewer recognition platform, and publishing peer review reports (signed or anonymous) with DOIs for both giving credit to reviewers and providing more transparency about the process. Another area she is working on is to improve quality of peer review by introducing quality measures such as editor, author, and reviewer surveys or using versions of RQI and later structured peer review.

Bahar is a member of PEERE and as the representative of Elsevier is collaborating with researcher members of the group in running a scientific study on peer review such as gender bias in peer review. She is also chair of one of three organizing committees of the annual peer review week (link). She was the past chair of the EASE peer review committee and is currently serving as EASE vice president.


Bahar joined Elsevier as a managing editor in 2012. Before joining Elsevier, she was a postdoc researcher at the Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light (MPL). She received her PhD in Theoretical Physics from the University of Amsterdam (UvA) in 2010.

Bahar’s ORCID: 0000-0003-4038-4531

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