COPE resource: Guidelines for journals and research institutions – research integrity and publication misconduct cases

Research institutions and journals both have important duties in the management of research misconduct and adherence to publication ethics. It is therefore important for institutions and journals to communicate and collaborate effectively. These COPE guidelines deal with the expectations and processes for communication.

Ensuring research and publication integrity requires that institutions and journals/publishers prioritise their shared interests and cooperate with each other where necessary. Institutions and journals should promote best practice among researchers, authors, reviewers, and editors (eg, through policies and training). Journals should make efforts to detect misconduct before publication (eg, by screening for plagiarism, paper mill manuscripts, and peer review fraud). Institutions should investigate allegations of research misconduct, and journals should correct or retract findings that are invalid or unreliable (whether the errors are because of misconduct or honest errors) to prevent readers from being misled. Research reports that are incorrect or misleading may require post-publication amendment, even when allegations of misconduct by the researchers are not upheld after institutional investigation.

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