Macedonian National H-index Ranking


National H-index Ranking is an international, non-commercial rating created for the unified and transparent rating of universities, scientific organizations, and scientific research institutions. The key metric is the Hirsch index, which is a well-known, popular, and stable metric in the field of scientific research. A group of scientists from the United States, the United Kingdom, Ukraine, the Netherlands, and Turkey works on the project.

Organizations are ranked in the Macedonian National H-index Ranking by assessing the productivity of scientific achievements, which makes the ranking metrics more objective and consolidated. The ranking list is aimed at national science, as it evaluates the performance of research organizations within the country. This position of the ranking developers is aimed at solving the problem of “diminishing” the state aspect in the context of the globalization of society in the field of scientific research. This approach is intended to strengthen domestic research and publication policies and productivity within countries for a more harmonious representation in the international arena.

Macedonian National H-index Ranking can be useful for universities, research organizations, science support foundations, and governmental and non-governmental organizations seeking to assess research capabilities and achievements in various fields of research.

How is Macedonian National H-index Ranking unique?

– It is the only rating in the world that evaluates scientific productivity based on a unified H-index metric from open sources and databases (Scopus, Web of Science, Google Scholar).
– Research organizations are ranked on a national basis, which ensures the most objective comparative analysis of data.
– It uses transparent metrics and indicators, which encourages the spread of the Open Access Initiative.
– It evaluates the scientific activities of not only universities, but also scientific organizations, business initiatives, and all institutions whose activities are aimed at conducting scientific research.
– It uses a proprietary methodology based on an organic combination of advanced machine analysis technologies and manual data processing.
– It considers the real needs of scientific institutions by quickly recalculating metrics using a unique methodology.
– It assesses the positions of both individual research organizations within the country and the activity of researchers within a single institution, which provides a multi-level ranked analysis.

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Katerina Spiroska, Ivo Spiroski, Mirko Spiroski

Scientific Foundation SPIROSKI, Skopje, Republic of North Macedonia

Bibliography, North Macedonia, Authors and researchers