Poster exhibition and competition

EASE will hold a digital poster exhibition in conjunction with the 16th EASE Conference that is planned for 24-26 June 2022 in Valencia, Spain.

Posters are welcome on any topic and will be judged in two sections, medical and non-medical. The posters will be published on the EASE website during the month of June 2022, together with an optional 5-minute video presentation of the poster.

You may submit your abstract now, and it will be assessed for inclusion in the exhibition and some feedback given. Once your abstract has been accepted, you should prepare your full poster and submit it according to the timetable below. If you wish, you may prepare a 5-minute video presentation to accompany your poster which will be shown on our website and at the Conference. This is optional.


1 March               Abstract submissions

Abstracts will be assessed within two weeks of submission, feedback given and accepted with or without revisions needed

30 April               Abstract submission closed

25 May                Final poster and < 5 minute video presentations to be submitted

1 June                  Poster and optional video presentations published on the EASE website for general viewing, for one month

6-17 June            Judging panel will convene to assess entries and select the winners in each category

24 June                Winners will be announced at the EASE Conference


Technical specification

The posters will not be exhibited physically, but they should be produced in .pdf format for publication on the EASE website during June, and for digital presentation at the EASE Conference in Valencia.

Posters maybe provided in landscape or portrait orientation and should be less than A1 size.

If you wish, you may also provide a <5 minute video presentation in .mp4 format, which will be published alongside your poster.


Support for those wishing to prepare a poster

Ana Jiminez Rivero recently gave a short webinar course to assist those wishing to submit a poster and video presentation. You can access a recording of the course in our Resource library.