B – APS copyright revision expands author rights

Ramlagan, Nadia. APS copyright revision expands author rights. APS News 2009;18(2):8.


A recently revised copyright transfer form for journal articles allows authors to make and hold copyright for “derivative works” that contain at least 10% new material, and not more than 50% of the published APS journal article. If these conditions are not me, the author must obtain explicit permission from APS. APS strongly advocates reusing article ideas and material in conference proceedings and classroom lectures; it is the posting of full articles on open content encyclopedia projects like Wikipedia or Quantiki that presents a copyright issue. APS also gives authors the right to post and update a paper on their (or their employer’s) website and on free e-print servers such as arXiv. Authors are entitled to provide full copies of their paper, for research purposes, to a colleague or third party as long as a fee is not charged. Third parties can use copies for teaching also, but incorporation into course notes for more than one semester requires APS permission.

Thanks to John Glen