B – Bibliometrics, impact factors and manual therapy: balancing the science and the art

Smith DR, Rivett DA. Bibliometrics, impact factors and manual therapy: balancing the science and the art. Manual Therapy 2009;14(4):456-9

History of bibliometrics is presented and description of the most widely known method, citation analysis, is described. Impact factors have today a powerful influence in the publishing of scientific research articles. As impact factor calculation is based on citation counts, citations have now risen to become a sort of “currency”. There is an increasing tendency for authors to cite their peers whenever possible, and thus increase the chances of their articles being accepted. It is the phenomenon called the “impact factor game”. A balance between the science and the art is called in physical therapy journals: impact factors contain various intrinsic limitations, they tell just one part of the story and in the future alternative measures, such as article download counts and internet-based journal sessions, should be developed.