B- Preserving research for the future

Pool R. Preserving research for the future. Research Information August/September 2010; 10-11

In 2008 a survey was addressed by the Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers (ALPSP) to its members and in 2010 the Oxford University Press (OUP) surveyed its cutomers, the librarians, to find out what they thought about the long-term preservation of digital content. Preservation refers to ensuring electronic scholarly literature remains accessible to future scholars, researchers and students even if a publisher ceases operations. The results of both surveys were inconclusive. The issue of payment for digital preservation activities is crucial with a clear preference for libraries and publishers to work together on a wide range of issues, particularly in method and in funding preservation initiatives. A stronger role for governments is also advocated: one initiative could involve the modification of copyright laws to enable digital preservation.