B – Publication pattern of theses in Peru

Arriola-Quiroz I, Curioso WH, Cruz-Encarnacion M et al. Characteristics and publication patterns of theses from a Peruvian medical school. Health Information & Libraries Journal 2010;27(2):148-54
(doi: 10.1111/j.1471-1842.2010.00878.x)

The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics and publication pattern of theses published in biomedical-indexed journals by medical students of a private university in Peru with the highest scientific research production. Data relate to 482 medical theses registered from several databases between 2000 and 2003; of these, 85 (17.6%) were published in biomedical-indexed journals. Most of them (80%) were in Spanish and published in local journals, and 17 theses (20%) were published in foreign journals. The percentage of published theses in biomedical journals at this university is comparable with those from developed countries (e.g. Finland and France). These results cannot be generalised to all medical schools in Peru.