B – Publishing in China

Harris S. East meets West as reasearch grows. Research Information August/September 2010:14-15

In this first of a two-part focus on China research and publishing, people involved in research and in supplying research content in China were asked about their experiences of Chinese research and information access. Over the past 10 to 15 years Chinese researchers have been making great progress in scientific research and publishing and there has been a dramatic rise in the number of articles coming out of China. According to ISI figures, China’s annual output is now second only to the USA. China is also fifth on the list of most frequently-cited source countries. Its government and institutions offer a good range of incentives for scientific research and publishing. The country is also very open to new technologies, which strenghten ist connection with the West. In the October/November issue of Research Information the focus will be on the challenges and opportunities for Western and Chinese publishers in China.