New versions of our Guidelines for Authors and Translators are available now.
Minor changes updated in this year’s versions consist of:
– updating the references
– emphasis on the incorrect use of the words gender and trimester (in the main body of the guidelines)
– note on the increased number of language versions (26 in total)
– note on EASE conference in Romania in June 2018
The English version of the Guidelines are published in the November edition of the EASE journal, European Science Editing (43.4), and links to all 26 versions can be found on the EASE website.
The EASE Guidelines provide simple, clear advice aimed at making international scientific communication more efficient.
This concise and readable set of editorial guidelines was first published by EASE in 2010 and is updated annually.
The document is available in 26 languages, and is aimed to help scientists worldwide in successful presentation of their research results and in correct translation of manuscripts into English. It briefly explains how to write complete, concise, and clear manuscripts, and draws attention to ethical issues: authorship criteria, plagiarism, conflict of interests, etc.
Eight appendices provide examples or more detailed information on selected topics (Abstracts, Ambiguity, Cohesion, Ethics, Plurals, Simplicity, Spelling, and Text-tables).
Widespread use of EASE Guidelines should increase the efficiency of international scientific communication.
Visit the Guidlines page to download copies now: