30th annual SfEP conference: discount for EASE members

The 30th annual SfEP conference will be held at Aston University, Birmingham, on Saturday 14 to Monday 16 September 2019. The SfEP is pleased to invite EASE members to join us at a special discounted rate.

The theme for this year’s conference is ‘In the beginning was the word’. As well as sessions on the core skills editorial professionals need to do their jobs effectively, the programme will also go back to basics, looking at the words we work with and where they come from. This will include sessions on linguistic bias, the use of English as a lingua franca by non-native speakers, how Hansard editors deal with the spoken word in the House of Lords, and a panel of writers discussing their experiences of being edited. Full summaries of these and other sessions will be released in July.

Booking is now open on the conference website. EASE members are eligible for a £50 discount on the resident non-member rate of £525, or a £20 discount on the non-resident non-member rate of £210 (per day). If you book and pay in full by 26 April you will also receive the early-bird discount of £42 or £13 respectively.

To book, go to www.sfep.org.uk/networking/conferences/and follow the links to find the provisional programme and booking form.

The discount codes for EASE members can be found in the April edition of our monthly newsletter – in your inboxes now!