Welcome to our new Indian Regional Chapter

We are very proud to introduce our new Indian Regional Chapter.  The Chapter is led by Dr Sushil Kumar, Deputy Dean, Journals & Publications, Chitkara University Publications, India.  Alongside Sushil, Deputy Chair of the Chapter is EASE Council member, Training Committee Chair and freelance copyeditor trainer, Yateendra Joshi.

Sushil explains why he was so keen to create a Chapter in India:

‘We have an urgent requirement to train Indian editors, reviewers and young researchers in the best practices of publishing to raise the quality and quantity of research. Many Indian universities and associations are running journals but without the relevant knowledge of publishing. The editorial teams may be subject matter specialists but they have limited knowledge of the best technologies required in the digital world. For example, many publish all accepted articles in a single file (PDF) without assigning a separate identity to each article.

Reviewers need training so they understand how to review articles critically. English is a second language in India, which adds language complexities for many researchers who are unable to meet international standards.’

The Indian Chapter is our third new Chapter to have launched this year, following the formation of the Korean Chapter in January, and the Brazilian Chapter in May.

Read more about the Aims and Objectives, and planned activities of the Indian Chapter over on its Community webpages, and browse our full range of Special Interest Groups and Regional Chapters in our Communities section.