ChatGPT webinar recording available to watch

Our latest webinar is now available to watch on our YouTube channel.

This was a highly enjoyable and informative session, with Phill Jones and Avi Staiman taking us through comprehensive, yet easy to follow, explanations of how ChatGPT and text-generating technologies work, and where the information they provide comes from. They give us some very practical ideas and advice on where these tools are being used, what they can do, and what the inherent limitations are to give us a better understanding of how we can use them in our work, and what might be coming in future.

The presentations generated a lot of lively discussion in the Q&A session at the end with lots of audience questions. We were not able to answer all the questions live, and in addition to the video recording, our speakers, Phill and Avi, and session moderator Duncan Nicholas have provided some more answers and links to useful resources in this Q&A response document.