Dr Are Brean

Editor in Chief, The Norwegian Medical Association, Norway

EASE roles: EASE Council; Nordic Chapter Co-chair; Awards Committee; Regional Chapter Committee.

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/are-brean-34516748/
X: https://twitter.com/AreBrean


It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

Visit our website to find out more about EASE: our calendar of regular webinars and courses, the benefits of membership, the work of our special interest committees and regional chapters and much more can all be found on the menu above. Head to our Home page now and follow us on our social media channels.

EASE Nordic Regional Chapter


I am pleased to co-chair the Nordic Regional Chapter of EASE together with my colleague Ines Steffens. The Chapter brings together individuals and organisations wishing to develop and improve scientific communication and publishing in the region. We provide training and professional development in scientific editorial practice; improving the communication and dissemination of scientific output; improving the visibility and reach of Nordic scientific journals internationally and supporting them to meet international standards and be indexed in international databases.

We encourage the exchange of ideas and knowledge related to scientific publishing and provide network opportunities to learn from each other and share experiences.

We have held a number of webinars with topic experts and will support the 10th anniversary conference of EASE’s sister society, the Nordic Editors and Translators (NEaT) in August 2024.

Learning Hub

New for 2024

I am currently working on the Learning Hub project that seeks to bring together all the learning materials into one place: Resource Library, Guidelines, Toolkits, Courses, Webinars and Conference Sessions. I am working with the Journal Editors role group to complete a workflow and map resources to it.

A bit about me…

I am a neurologist by training. I have worked part time as an editor since 2009, and full time as Editor-in-Chief at The Journal of the Norwegian Medical Association since 2015. I am also Associate professor at The Norwegian Academy of Music, past president of The Norwegian Neurological Association and former consultant neurologist at the Norwegian National Hospital.