Gender Policy Committee
The Gender Policy Committee of EASE was established in 2016 with a mission to create, develop and promote the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) Guidelines: a major initiative to encourage publishers and journal editors to see the value in disaggregating research data by sex and gender. The article ‘Sex and Gender Equity in Research: rationale for the SAGER guidelines and recommended use’, by Shirin Heidari, Thomas F. Babor, Paola De Castro, Sera Tort and Mirjam Curno (2016) describes the rationale for an international set of guidelines to encourage a more systematic approach to the reporting of sex and gender in research across disciplines.
Over the 7 years since the Committee was formed in 2016, the Committee worked hard to develop the SAGER Guidelines, raise awareness of the need for them and encouraged publishers and editors to endorse them. They are now very much in the mainstream and widely used (as recently recognised by the WHO). You can view a list of those who have endorsed the Guidelines here.
With this in mind it was agreed that the Gender Policy Committee should be closed at the end of 2023. The SAGER Guidelines will continue to be promoted by EASE and we will work closely with Shirin Heidari as she continues to promote and expand this work within GENDRO, a not-for-profit, non-governmental organisation based in Geneva, Switzerland, with the mission to advance equity through the integration of sex and gender dimensions in research across disciplines.
The achievements of the Gender Policy Committee will continue to be published on these pages, although no further work will be done directly by EASE. The work of the Gender Equity in the Editorial Workforce Project, has been absorbed by the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Committee.
Please direct your enquiries about the work of this Committee to the EASE Secretary.