The Bulgarian Chapter of EASE was established in 2015 at New Bulgarian University in Sofia, Bulgaria. It was lapsed in 2021, but you can still read about its activities here.

Aims and Objectives

The aims and objectives of the Bulgarian chapter of EASE were:

  • To raise awareness of the profession of science editing in Bulgaria and facilitate interaction among science editors within Bulgaria
  • To create a database of Bulgarian science editors
  • To promote awareness of EASE and use of its publications and tools (ESE journal, Guidelines and Editors’ Handbook) in Bulgaria
  • Promote the Bulgarian version of the EASE Guidelines for Authors and Translators  of Scientific Articles and the COPE Guidelines
  • To work on the advancement of the international standards of scholarly writing and publishing, e.g. to promote the EASE Science Editors’ Handbook within Bulgaria, Southeast Europe and Russia
  • Organize events and training seminars for editors, peer reviewers and authors.