About this Chapter

EASE Germany was established in January 2024 to encourage the support of local communities and interaction among editors and those in the scholarly community within Germany.

The establishment of a German Chapter will give publishers the opportunity to join forces, make connections, and share knowledge and experiences, especially about new tools and innovations in academic publishing. Given the widespread use of AI in publishing and the industry’s shift towards open-access publishing, addressing issues such as data access and ethical considerations becomes crucial. Mitigating issues such as the paper mill is essential to maintaining the integrity of the publishing industry. The German chapter of EASE serves as a platform for discussions on these issues and provides a space for joint problem solving.

In addition, there are a significant number of young scientists working at universities or research institutes such as DKFZ, EMBO, Heidelberg University, Max Planck Institute, etc. who are interested in the intricacies of the publishing industry. EASE provides a valuable opportunity to train and educate these aspiring individuals and thus contribute to their professional development.

Our aims and objectives

  • to promote awareness of EASE amongst the German science editing and publishing
  • to organise training activities and thematic meetings in Germany, including educational
    activities for editorial board members, editorial teams, reviewers, or authors
  • to provide education on writing and reviewing scientific papers and the journal editorial
  • to support scientific journals to meet international standards and be indexed in international
  • to represent the German science editing community within EASE.