Ukrainian Regional Chapter

On 2 February 2021, the Ukrainian Regional Chapter of the European Association of Science Editors (URC EASE) was successfully founded, represented by the chair, prof. Iryna Izarova and vice-chair, prof. Maryna Zhenchenko.

The members of the URC EASE are academics, managing editors, editors-in-chief who are seeking to discover more about scholar publishing, publishing ethics and standards, share the best practices and discuss the most current topical issues for further development.

Aims and Objectives

The main aim and objectives of the URC EASE correspond with the EASE mission, in particular, are linked to the improvement of the global standard and quality of science editing by promoting the value of science editors and supporting professional development, research, and collaboration with Ukrainian editors community. The URC EASE will specifically contribute to translating the most useful EASE documents and to organising events for the Ukrainian audience.

Ukrainian region chapter unites scientists, representatives of editorial boards from different fields of science, practitioners and early career scientists who are interested in scientific publication and the visibility of the results of the research in the international scientific community.

The tasks of the Ukrainian chapter of EASE are summarised as follows:

  • Forming the information field of the editorial activity, journal management, academic and research integrity, ethical policy,  editing policy, reviewing process etc
  • Increase accessibility and transparency of information in Ukrainian
  • Conduct a workshop/conference and other events with scientists in order to discuss problems and barriers of successful integration
  • Undertake an information campaign about EASE in Ukraine
  • Provide events, training, summer school, a conference for publishers, managing editors, publishing editors and academic editors responsible for managing editorial boards, either directly (as chair) or indirectly, authors, young scientists, practitioners, publishers
  • Consult journal about longer-term strategies for developing their organization’s journals – including plans and proposals to develop existing titles and for acquisitions and new launches
  • Education and informational activities for authors.