13th EASE Conference, 10-12 June 2016, Strasbourg, France

The main theme of the 13th EASE Conference was “Scientific integrity: editors on the front line” along with many other hot topics.

If you missed the conference (or even if you didn’t), you can read reports of the conference in EASE journal European Science Editing 42(3), which can be accessed HERE

We have also archived the daily newsletters, which you can download here:


Saturday 11 June 2016
Plenary lecture: Selective publication and the replicability crisis by Lex Bouter, from the Vrijje University, Amersterdam, The Netherlands.
Plenary lecture by Mechelle Bergadaa from the University of Geneva, Switzerland on the topic of Plagiarism.

Parallel sessions

Detecting misconduct
1A: Screening
Text-screening. An Update on the Crossref Similarity Check service (Rachael Lammey)
Use of Similarity Checking on the INASP Journals Online Project: a pilot study (Sioux Cumming)
Statistical Review – what you need to know (Chris Palmer)
How to deal with and screen digital images during the production process (Sun Huh)

Further details of these presentations and biographies of the speakers are available.

1B: Role of technical and managing editors
Pre-submission: Copyediting for non-native speakers: cultural and ethical problems to look out for (Elise Langdon-Neuner)
Submission: How the editorial office educates and manages misconduct (Duncan Nicholas)
Post-acceptance: The role of technical/copyediting editors as watchdogs and negotiators (Helen Penny)
The integrity of the author: my rights (Pippa Smart)

Further details of these presentations and biographies of the speakers are available.

Preventing misconduct

2A: Editorial guidelines
How guidelines can help reduce waste in research (David Moher)
The CoBRA guidelines for citation of bioresources (Ann Cambon Thomsen)
How can SAGER guidelines contribute to sex and gender equity in research? (Shirin Heidari)
Institute of Gender Health ’s training modules to improve reviewer’s ability to assess sex and gender in publications (Cara Tannenbaum)
Five years of EASE Guidelines (2010–2015): promoting complete, readable, and ethical publications (Sylwia Ufnalska)
When guidelines do not seem to help: how to manage difficult cases (Ines Steffens)

Further details of these presentations and biographies of the speakers are available.

2B: Reducing waste in research and publishing
The Lancet REWARD (Reduce research Waste And Reward Diligence) Campaign (Joan Marsh)
Reducing waste from incomplete or unusable reports of biomedical research (Paul Glasziou)
Registered reports: Cortex experience (Pia Rotshtein)
How freelance publication professionals can help avoid waste (Karen Shashok and Pamela Waltl) Handouts
Experimental Design Assistant: helping authors to follow guidelines (Nathalie Percie du Sert)
What next? Next steps for the Reward agenda (Elizabeth Wager)

 Further details of these presentations and biographies of the speakers are available.

Parallel sessions Sunday 12 June 2016

Handling and understanding misconduct
3A: Managing cases of misconduct
On the art of whistleblowing (Christiaan Sterken)
Navigating ethical cases: from the role of publishers to collaborating with other editors (Elizabeth Moylan)

3B: COST action PEERE: Research on peer review and research integrity
Transparency may come at a serious cost. Confidential vs. open peer review in a simulation model (Flaminio Squzzoni)
Peer review innovations aiming to support science and reward reviewers (Bahar Mehmani)
Equipping reviewers to improve review quality and integrity: Lessons from a survey of peer reviewers (Michael Willis)
What can qualitative research tell us about the integrity of peer review? (Ana Marušic)
Transparency of the peer-review in Croatian OA journals (Jadranka Stojanovski)

Further details of these presentations and biographies of the speakers are available.

Raising standards

4A: Publication ethics and integrity beyond biomedicine
An informal forum for discussing publication ethics and research integrity in fields other than biomedicine.

4B: Editor certification and raising standards
Understanding the value of certification for medical journal editors (Al Weigel)
Towards an evidence-based core-competency program (David Moher)
The editors’ end-game: understanding, working with, and getting closer to the author (Donald Samulack)

Further details of these presentations and biographies of the speakers are available.

Poster prizes

Lancet Award - Abdolreza 1

There were two prizes for medical posters. Each winner received a Lancet-branded poster tube, pad and pen. The winners were:

Abdolreza Norouzy (Iran)
Exploring the attitudes of medical faculty members in Iran towards research misconduct

Shelly Pranic (Croatia)
Use of medical terminologies to describe adverse event terms in clinical trials

The non-medical poster prize was sponsored by the Annals of Botany. The winner was:
Valerie Matarese
Authors’ editors: partners in communication at the service of researchers and readers.