Welcome and introduction
Chairs: Shirin Heidari & Tom Babor
Opening remarks including some facts and figures on gender in science / editorial work, setting the scene and overview of the Gender Policy Committee.
Gender sensitive research and reporting – challenges and opportunities
Results of the gender survey (10 min followed by 5 min Q&A)
Carina Sorensen
Gender balance in editorial boards
Paul Osborn
Open discussion
Closing remarks
Chairs: Shirin Heidari & Tom Babor
Inviting audience to send comments, ideas and recommendations to the Gender Policy Committee
In early 2013, the EASE Gender Policy Committee launched an extensive international survey to probe for current practices and opinions regarding editorial gender policies in scientific journals and publishing houses. Over 700 respondents participated in the survey, representing some 600 unique journals and 100 publishing houses. The evidence that the vast majority of journals and publishing houses do not have explicit policies that foster routine gender- and sex-sensitive reporting, nor policies that address gender biases in the workforce. Interestingly, EASE members were clearly less in favour of adopting gender policies than other survey respondents. This gender policy session is designed to give voice to arguments for and against mainstreaming of editorial gender policies, followed by questions and discussions with the floor. The arguments and discussions presented in the gender policy session will inform the development of a common standard currently under works by the Gender Policy Committee.
Speaker biography
Shirin Heidari
Dr Shirin Heidari is Executive Editor of the Journal of the International AIDS Society. In 2012, Dr Heidari was appointed member of the Council of the European Associations of Science Editors, where she also serves as the chair of the Gender Policy Committee. She continuously advocates for a gender sensitive approach to research and programme delivery. As Executive Editor, she implemented an editorial policy which strongly encourages authors to disaggregate research data by sex and provide gender analyses in submitting manuscripts. Shirin has a Doctorate degree in Clinical Virology and Experimental Oncology from Karolinska Institute in Sweden. She completed her post-doctoral training with The European Vaccine Effort against HIV/AIDS and thereafter, she continued her research at the Centre of Excellence for Infectious Medicine at the Karolinska Institute. She has 10 years of experience in research and is the author of a number of publications.
Tom Barbor