Go international or perish: example of the Croatian linguistic journal Suvremena lingvistika

Ida Raffaelli and Kristian Novak
Suvremena lingvistika (Contemporary Linguistics)

Suvremena lingvistika(Contemporary Linguistics) is one of the leading Croatian linguistic journals. First published in 1963, the journal rapidly gained a leading role in promoting, at the time, new linguistic theories and methodologies. At first it was conceived as a forum for leading Croatian linguists, with insight and knowledge about international linguistic trends, to present new linguistic endeavours. Although constantly in tune with international linguistic ideas Suvremena lingvistika was, regarding the authors and the readers, a regional journal. Namely, the articles were foremost written in Croatian, and the readership and the authorship were regionally oriented or were able to read Croatian. However, the journal has been present in the most important national and university libraries worldwide, especially after the year 1991, and is indexed in some of the most relevant databases for the Humanities (MLA, BL). 

Since 2006, when the journal set up its website and became indexed in more relevant databases (EBSCO, ERIH, SCOPUS, among others), there has been a steady increase in its international visibility. We will present bibliometric analysis of the journal since 2006 showing a constant increase of international authorship and readership (the data on different university libraries downloading the journal will be provided), as well as the change of the scope of the journal (the data on topic changes will be provided as well).  In the last six years especially, Suvremena lingvistika has grown from a regional journal in tune with international linguistic trends into a journal with high international visibility.