EASE Get-together: Communication channels
Tuesday, 19 December 2023
Our December Get-together was hosted by Duncan Nicholas, EASE Past-President.
Here’s a quick summary of what we discussed:
- Most of those present were using email as their primary/preferred method of communication
- The advantages of email are that they are not time sensitive, you can configure your own filing system to organise files by sender/topic etc, and they are easily searched
- There was a general lack of awareness about the various methods that EASE uses to communicate with its members and beyond
- People generally liked to receive short/timely reminders about webinars, courses, deadlines as it was easy to overlook things
- Some people were using social media, LinkedIn came out strongly and X (previously Twitter) with other platforms less so
- The Award videos received positive feedback, although there was some caution around following links.
We did record the session, so you can link to the unedited recording if you wish (available till 31 January 2024) https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/w8hrhW_NM6IRiqgHkP2NrJZv8fip9CZQCaWDJ5Vi9cyB9ShLGMz6W9AXXk-s4I6I.iBMWAgGVdvZekfZw
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