The Cochrane-REWARD prize recognizes successful local or pilot initiatives that have potential to reduce research waste globally if scaled up. Cochrane has funded the prize since it began in 2017. For this iteration of the prize, submissions related to tackling research waste relevant to COVID-19 were encouraged.
The first prize winner was COVID-19 Evidence Network to support Decision-making (COVID-END).
COVID-END is a time-limited network that brings together more than 50 of the world’s leading evidence-synthesis, technology-assessment and guideline-development groups around the world. It covers the full spectrum of the pandemic response, from public-health measures and clinical management to health-system arrangements and economic and social responses. It also covers the full spectrum of contexts where the pandemic response is playing out, including low-, middle- and high-income countries.
The winning team was led by Jeremy Grimshaw from Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, and John Lavis from McMaster Health Forum. John will join us to present their initiative.
Second place was awarded to MRC-NIHR Trials Methodology Research Partnership (TMRP).
TMRP is a community of practice which draws together several networks, academic institutions and partners engaged in trials and trials methodology research to strengthen links between trialists, methods researchers, clinicians, patients, the public and funders. It includes eight thematic working groups on topics such as adaptive designs, outcomes, statistical analysis and trial conduct.
Paula Williamson, from University of Liverpool, will be speaking at the session to give us an introduction to the project.
Registration is free, and open to anyone interested in learning more about reducing research waste and these prize-winning projects.