International Conference on Innovations and Challenges in Research Publishing

The objective of this econference is to exchange knowledge and information about best practices and latest technologies in publishing developed and used by the experts. The two days of the international econference will include ePlenary Talks, eInvited Talks, ePanel Discussions and ePoster Presentations. Scope of eConference The e-conference is open to discuss all relevant topics related […]

Cochrane Connects – featuring the Cochrane-REWARD prize ceremony, and research integrity

This special edition of Cochrane Connects will feature the Cochrane-REWARD prize ceremony. Since 2017, the prize has gathered, assessed and publicized local or pilot initiatives with the potential to reduce research waste if scaled up globally. The first and second prizes will be announced, and the winners will be there to share more about their […]

Understanding and Reporting Statistics in Medicine – Module 1

Module 1: Variables, descriptive statistics, estimates, and confidence intervals with Tom Lang, USA The first in this series of four online training modules which will introduce participants to the most common statistical procedures used in clinical research. Intended for medical writers and editors with little to no background in statistics (and perhaps a great fear […]

Understanding and Reporting Statistics in Medicine – Module 2

Module 2: Hypothesis testing (P values and statistical power) with Tom Lang, USA The second in this series of four online training modules which will introduce participants to the most common statistical procedures used in clinical research. Intended for medical writers and editors with little to no background in statistics (and perhaps a great fear […]

EASE Council

EASE Council meeting

Data Conversations: how to publish your research (peer review and study’s limitations)

Gerben ter Riet Acknowledging Limitations in Scientific Manuscripts The talk highlights the contextualizing role of limitations sections in the medical literature and ends with a plea for the use of sensitivity analyses, perhaps culminating in multiverse analysis. Andrew Dunn Opening peer review’s ‘black box’ What happens when you’ve submitted a manuscript to a journal for publication? What […]

Understanding and Reporting Statistics in Medicine – Module 3

Module 3: Association (including measures of risk), correlation, and regression analyses with Tom Lang, USA The third in this series of four online training modules which will introduce participants to the most common statistical procedures used in clinical research. Intended for medical writers and editors with little to no background in statistics (and perhaps a […]