EASE Peer Review Week 2021 event

The EASE Peer Review Committee is organising a panel discussion webinar about identity in peer review as part of PRW2021. It will be held on Monday, 20 September at 1pm […]

ISMTE for PRW2021 – Early Career Meet Up

ISMTE’s Early Career Committee, in partnership with Peer Review Week, invite you to join our Early Career Meet Up to network and discuss this year’s theme: Identity. How do you […]

Association of Earth Science Editors 54th Annual Meeting

The 54th annual meeting of the AESE, “Effectively Communicating Geoscience in the Public Sphere,” will take place, in-person, in Columbus, Ohio, on September 29–October 3, 2021. The meeting offers two […]

Member webinar: Preprints and publishing

Member webinar: Preprints and publishing 2020 and 2021 were a watershed period for publishing when the use of preprints (i.e. articles posted before formal review) became a normalised activity for many researchers. Although used extensively in several communities for many years (e.g. on the ArXiv.org site) it is their use in the biomedical sciences which […]

EASE Council

EASE Council Meeting

2022 European Meeting of ISMPP

Advancing Our Profession: Driving Leadership and Best Practices in Medical Communications   For further info please visit https://www.ismpp.org/european-meeting