Dr Haseeb Irfanullah

Independent Consultant Environment, Climate Change, & Research System; Bangladesh

EASE roles: EASE Council; Co-Chair Environment and Sustainability Committee

Email: [email protected]
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/haseebirfanullah/
X: @hmirfanullah
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/haseeb.irfanullah

It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

Visit our website to find out more about EASE: our calendar of regular webinars and courses, the benefits of membership, the work of our special interest committees and regional chapters and much more can all be found on the menu above. Head to our Home page now and follow us on our social media channels.

A few of my recent contributions to EASE

Co-Chair of the EASE Environment and Sustainability Committee

Our first achievement as an Environment and Sustainability Committee was the publication of our Manifesto which was officially published in our EASE journal European Science Editing in October 2021. Reference: Mertens S, Brown A (2021) Environmental sustainability and scientific publishing: EASE manifesto. European Science Editing 47: e75625. https://doi.org/10.3897/ese.2021.e75625

This version included a simple quick Checklist for editors, publishers, or any interested individuals, to assess their activities and get a sense of possible changes to their daily practices to develop greener habits.

We are currently working on a major development of the Checklist into a comprehensive tool for editors to track their progress towards achieving the SDG Publishers Compact commitments.

View the achievements and plans of our Committee as at December 2023.



EASE is a signatory to the UN SDG Publishers Compact

EASE and our journal, European Science Editing, became signatories to the UN SDG Publishers Compact, in May 2021 and we encourage our members to pledge their support by signing up too. Along with our fellow signatories, we have reported our progress against a baseline survey each year.

A bit about me…

Over the past 25 years, I have evolved from being an algal taxonomist to an aquatic ecologist, from a conservationist to a development facilitator. At the current stage of my evolution, I find my niche in nature-people-knowledge nexus. I have developed an interest in and an understanding of nature-based solutions, environmental governance, climate change adaptation, technology for poverty alleviation, scholarly communication, and research impact — all focusing on human well-being.

I have worked for and have been associated with different national and international environmental, development, learned, and research organisations, including University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh (ULAB), Independent University, Bangladesh (IUB), The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU), University of Oxford, Commonwealth Scholarship Commission (CSC), ACSE, ALPSP, EASE, INASP, OASPA, Research Consulting Ltd, and SSP, and donors (ADB, FCDO/DFID, and USAID) and my Government’s agencies in different capacities.

I am associated with many peer-reviewed journals, learned societies, funding agencies, and knowledge and professional networks. Together with my co-workers we have so far published 47 journal articles; have authored, edited and contributed to more than 55 books and other publications; and have written more than 200 articles and thought pieces on diverse topics — from freshwater ecosystems to climate change adaptation to poverty-technology link to wildlife conservation to research communication.

As a research enthusiast, I often work with researchers, journal editors, and pertinent national and international agencies for improving research system. I have a PhD in aquatic ecology from the University of Liverpool, UK.

I am a Chef on the Scholarly Kitchen Blog.