Iva Grabarić Andonovski

Editor, Food Technology and Biotechnology journal, University of Zagreb, Croatia

EASE roles: Vice President; EASE Croatia Chair; Co-chair of Environment and Sustainability Committee

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/iva.andonovski
LinkedIn: Iva Grabaric Andonovski
X: @IGrabaric

It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

Visit our website to find out more about EASE: our calendar of regular webinars and courses, the benefits of membership, the work of our special interest committees and regional chapters and much more can all be found on the menu above. Head to our Home page now and follow us on our social media channels.

A few of my recent contributions to EASE

Chair of EASE Croatia

The Croatian Chapter of EASE was established in January 2013 by eleven editors of Croatian journals and HRČAK repository of Croatian OA journals representative. Our aim was to promote collaboration among EASE members and organise training activities for editors and authors in Croatia and the region.

Our ongoing goal is to support the organisation of the annual PUBMET conference on scholarly publishing, to organise workshops and round tables to discuss topics of interest for the Chapter, and also to promote group cohesion and group thinking.

Our aims specifically include:

  • promote the goals and activities of EASE in Croatia
  • promote collaboration of Croatian members with members from other countries
  • give support to editors of Croatian journals
  • organise an annual conference on scholarly communication – PUBMET
  • organise webinars and workshops on topics of interest
  • raise the awareness of the importance of open science and open access in Croatia.

View our events, achievements and resources on our EASE Croatia page.

Co-Chair of the EASE Environment and Sustainability Committee

Our first achievement as an Environment and Sustainability Committee was the publication of our Manifesto which was officially published in our EASE journal European Science Editing in October 2021. Reference: Mertens S, Brown A (2021) Environmental sustainability and scientific publishing: EASE manifesto. European Science Editing 47: e75625. https://doi.org/10.3897/ese.2021.e75625

This version included a simple quick Checklist for editors, publishers, or any interested individuals, to assess their activities and get a sense of possible changes to their daily practices to develop greener habits.


EASE is a signatory to the UN SDG Publishers Compact

EASE and our journal, European Science Editing, became signatories to the UN SDG Publishers Compact, in May 2021 and we encourage our members to pledge their support by signing up too. Along with our fellow signatories, we have reported our progress against a baseline survey each year.

View the achievements and plans of our Committee as at December 2023. We are currently working on a major development of the Checklist into a comprehensive tool for editors to track their progress towards achieving the SDG Publishers Compact commitments.

A bit about me…

I am the Editor of Food Technology and Biotechnology with over 20 years of experience in scientific publishing, with a Master’s degree in Horticulture and landscape design and a University specialist’s degree in Food management.

I have been an EASE member since 2014 and a Council member since. In 2023 I was elected to the role of Vice President. I am also chair of EASE Croatia and Co-Chair of the Environment and Sustainability Committee.

I am very active in the Croatian scientific community as one of the founders and currently the President of Croatian Association for Scholarly Communication (CROASC), member of HRČAK (Portal of Croatian Scientific and Professional Journals) Advisory Board, and Organizing committee member of PUBMET Conference on Scholarly Communication.