Dr Joan Marsh

Editor-in-Chief, The Lancet Psychiatry, United Kingdom

EASE roles: President 2009-2015; Gender Policy Committee 2012-2023; Associate Editor of European Science Editing 2020-; Psychiatry Group lead 2023-
Pau Award winner 2022

Email: [email protected] / [email protected]
ORCID: 0000-0002-3494-9324

It was a pleasure to connect with you and to discuss the work and activities of EASE.

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A few of my recent contributions to EASE

European Science Editing

Our diamond open access peer-reviewed journal publishes original research, review and commentary on all aspects of scientific, scholarly editing and publishing. We aim to provide a source of peer-reviewed information on all aspects of scholarly editing to help editors improve the quality and integrity of scholarly publications. Articles are published in flow and we do not charge APC’s.

The Journal is indexed in Scopus, DOAJ and SJR Scimago amongst others. An application to Web of Science is currently being assessed.

I am an Associate Editor and work with a small team of volunteer editors and an International Editorial Advisory Board.

SAGER Guidelines and Checklist

The SAGER Guidelines and accompanying Checklist are a comprehensive procedure for reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analysis, results and interpretations of findings.

I have been involved with the development of the SAGER Guidelines, first published in 2016 as a member of, and later, Chair of the EASE Gender Policy Group. Please read about the initiative and our achievements, including our most recent success: the adoption of the SAGER guidelines by the WHO, view the webinar recording.

16th EASE Conference 'The manuscript journey: The editors' perspective

24-26 June 2022, Valencia, Spain

I was the Chair of the Organising Committee for the 16th EASE Conference held in Valencia, Spain from 24-26 June 2022. The Conference followed the journey of a manuscript, through drafting, submission, reviewing, publication and beyond, viewed from the editors’ perspective. A team of expert speakers from around the globe joined delegates either in-person or online for our first ever hybrid conference. Delegates, speakers, hosts and sponsors were able to ask questions during the session, and then meet afterwards in our GatherTown platform.

I also gave the keynote address at the 17th EASE Conference ‘Scientific publishing: Quality, ethics and integrity – what does good science publishing look like?‘ in June 2023.

A bit about me…

I am the Editor-in-Chief of The Lancet Psychiatry. I joined the Lancet group in November 2013 as Deputy Editor and helped to launch, then develop, the journal, being promoted to Editor-in-Chief in November 2021.

I read Natural Sciences at Cambridge University, then completed a PhD in molecular biology. I worked as an editor with The Ciba/Novartis Foundation in London, editing and organizing their prestigious symposium series. I then spent several years in South-East Asia, returning to the UK in September 1999 and becoming an editor with John Wiley & Sons, commissioning books in the life sciences and medicine.

I was on the Council of the European Association of Science Editors for 12 years, including six as President. I am also an Associate Editor of European Science Editing.