New Editorial Positions at Buildings & Cities Journal

Closing date: 15 March 2022


[email protected]

We are seeking 2 people to join our editorial team

Buildings & Cities journal is looking for 2 new Associate Editors to join our outstanding editorial team and to support the journal’s mission. One role would specifically handle its communications through social media and the other role would oversee its “Commentaries” and “Research Pathways” initiatives. The commitment for each would be 3 hours per week. The Associate Editors will work in close cooperation with other B&C Editors.

The Roles

The Communications Editor post would entail (1) creating and developing a LinkedIn profile for the journal along with suitable content (Calls for Papers, Special Issues, Events, highlighting research papers’ content) and (2) creating content for our lively Twitter account: @BuildingsCities

The Commentaries Editor post will entail (1) developing, (2) identifying and commissioning suitable authors and (3) editing their manuscripts to create a series of Commentaries ( and Research Pathways ( essays for our website.

Selection Criteria

• A strong understanding of built environment research issues
• Research experience (PhD or equivalent)
• Academic writing and publication experience
• Ability to synthesize information succinctly and clearly
• Excellent communication skills
• Excellent teamworking abilities and willingness to contribute to collaborative decision-making processes
• Web authoring skills (desirable)
• Editing experience (desirable)

How to Apply

Please submit (1) a CV, (2) a cover letter highlighting which role you are applying for together with your relevant experience and skills, (3) two relevant samples of your writing aimed at engagement with different audiences and (4) two references to: [email protected].

Closing date: 15 March 2022

Shortlisted applicants will be asked to make a short 5-minute presentation about their strategy and skills for the journal in relation to the post(s) they are applying for.


About Us

Buildings & Cities is an independent and not-for-profit journal. It has rapidly established itself as a cutting-edge home for quality research on the built environment. In addition to being a peer-review journal, we provide an intellectual space for engagement between researchers, practitioners and policy makers. Our actions are underpinned by our values and commitments found in our Key Principles ( The scope of the journal is defined in our Aims & Scope (

Buildings & Cities is a highly dynamic, transdisciplinary built environment journal. It actively promotes excellence in research, two-way dialogue with the end users of this research and actively works to support early career researchers. The journal publishes peer reviewed scholarship ( ) as well as news, commentaries, feedback on special issues and book reviews (

Our editorial team is united by a mission to deliver world-class peer-reviewed quality research and provide clear reliable and usable information to the ‘end users’ of research. We encourage research that responds to societal demands and capabilities.

We seek to recruit and appoint the best talent regardless of age, sex, gender identity, ethnicity, disability, socio-economic background, religion and/or belief.

What’s in it for You?

These are two intellectually stimulating and demanding roles that are vital for quality publishing today. Each role will expand your international networks, your international profile and provide a broad overview of emerging issues and research. Working within a friendly, small, highly experienced, editorial team, this is an opportunity to expand your knowledge as well as writing and dissemination skills.

You will be involved in engagement with academics, practitioners and users in the built environment, including exposure to networks of scholars, our international editorial board and practitioner panel. You will promote the dissemination and discussion of research findings.

These part-time roles should be considered as a service to the research and wider built environment community and an opportunity to enhance and further develop a personal research career. The posts are not remunerative. It is anticipated that each role will require three hours a week on average. Applicants may receive support from their academic institution for their time commitment in this role as career development and/or community service.

Our Values

In addition to the journal’s Aims & Scope, our actions are underpinned by our values and commitments:

1. We seek to publish highest quality research that has been evaluated through a fair, rigorous and robust peer-review process.
2. Encourage and publish research and ideas that help improve the built environment, not just describe it.
3. Maintain integrity in all our work with authors and oblige them to undertake and present their work according to ethical research and publishing guidelines. We are truthful, accurate, ethical and unbiased.
4. Make all research articles in the journal freely available (open access).
5. Translate: make the research accessible not only for academics and researchers, but also for the end users of research: policymakers, practitioners, clients, teachers and occupants.
6. Inspire and engage: promote dialogue and greater understanding between authors and the end-users of research, to have greater impact through discussions in virtual and live events.
7. Create an inclusive and supportive community of authors, and assist those without funding to publish in our journal.
8. Operate as a not-for-profit, reinvesting any surplus funds into the journal and the research community that we serve.
9. Be independent: our role and content are independent of the interests of any organisation, institution, company or government.
10. We are inclusive: valuing different perspectives and experiences of researchers, academics and practitioners from around the world. We support authors in the Global South.