August 2004; 30(3)


The squeaky wheel gets the oil. Alison Clayson


Information-seeking behaviour and the digital in formation world. TD Wilson

Biological papers with outcited voucher material are so much waste paper. David I Hawksworth

Editing around the world

Editing in Italy: a preliminary survey of the medical sector. Paola De Castro

Pub ishing science in the Czech Re public. Eva Baranyiová

High lights from the EASE Membership Survey. Alison Clayson

From the literature

Can training improve re viewer performance? Liz Wager

Who judges the judges? Pehr H Enckell

Reports of meetings

EASE seminar: scientific publications in a digital age. Reme Melero, Alison McKelvey Clayson, J Veiga de Cabo, JW Glen, Magne Nylenna

Sci en tific writ ing in English: EASE course in China. Pehr H Enckell, Linus Svensson

EASE-Forum digest

April 2004 to June 2004 Elise Langdon-Neuner (compiler)

Book reviews

The Chicago manual of style, 15th ed. (reviewed by John Kirk man)

Orin Hargraves: Mighty fine words and smashing expressions: making sense of trans atlantic English (reviewed by Birte Twisselmann)

Jane Fraser and Richard Cave: Presenting in biomedicine: 500 tips for success (reviewed by Margaret Corbett)

News from the Council and its committees

EASE Council update. Georgianna Oja

Publications Committee. Hervé Maisonneuve

News from the Programme Committee: 2nd report. AJ (Tom) van Loon

Regular features

The Editors’ WebWatch. Moira Vekony

News Notes. Margaret Cooter

Forth coming meetings, courses and BELS examinations

The Editor’s Book shelf. Jane Moody

Membership list additions and changes

Membership of EASE [membership information and application form]